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Event Crowdsourcing - Leveraging the Wisdom of Crowds to Develop Highly Engaging Events

Event Crowdsourcing - Leveraging the Wisdom of Crowds to Develop Highly Engaging Events

Apr 22, 2022 Ayushi Tiwari

One of the biggest perplexities faced by brands is how to gather useful insights from an end consumer. It’s often challenging to comprehend what are the ways in which they can engage with their consumers to get a deeper understanding of what they like or dislike about the brand. More important questions like what are the pain points that need to be addressed or what exactly will make their consumers happy are not easy to answer.  

Getting people to fill out survey forms is again a tedious task. Although modern methods have made conducting surveys a little easier through emails and social media. But there is still a lack of active participation on the customer’s end since no one wants to sit and fill out long and boring survey forms.  

When we talk about event management, what if there was a way for event planners to reach out to their audience and engage them during the planning process. This can help planners better understand attendee expectations including what is it that they would like to experience and, overall, what the attendees are looking for in the event. Having answers to these questions can enable organizers to plan a great event, deliver a memorable experience, and ensure attendees are satisfied with the conference, event, or meeting. Now here comes the concept of crowdsourcing, which could make finding these answers easy. 

What is crowdsourcing? 

Crowdsourcing, according to Oxford Dictionary, is defined as the process of gathering data or information about a specific project or service by inviting a number of people (paid or unpaid) to share their knowledge and discuss ideas through mass participation.  

In simpler terms, it can also be defined as gathering useful data/information by seeking knowledge through a group of people. 

The practice is famous for utilizing the knowledge of a particular group of people to achieve a common target. One of the best applications of crowdsourcing is to solve complex problems or to streamline a difficult task, which can be easily achieved through group inputs.

Crowdsourcing in events  

There are a number of ways in which event organizers can use crowdsourcing to improve the overall event experience. For example, one of the ways is to ask event attendees or guests to vote or suggest topics for group activities or panel discussions. Additionally, this method can be used to decide on speakers or panel leads.  

The planners can also invite participants for brainstorming event ideas and concepts, weeks before the event. When participants feel their views are being taken into consideration, they are more emotionally invested and excited for the entire process. When crowdsourced event ideas are actually implemented, it leads to higher attendance, engagement, and brand loyalty. 

Event elements to crowdsource 

Depending on the type of event and potential activities, there are a number of elements one can crowdsource. Let us have a look at some: 

1. Marketing events 

  1. Event concept  
  2. Event theme, content, and activities  
  3. Event agenda and schedule 
  4. Type and number of meetings, conferences, or conventions 
  5. Guests, speakers, influencers, brands, or celebrities 

2. Conferences 

  1. Topics of discussion  
  2. Keynote speakers and guests 
  3. Number of breakout sessions 
  4. Recreational breakout session activities, if any
  5. Other fun activities  

 3. Exhibitions and trade shows  

  1. Product demo activities, sales activities, related offers, and flash sales
  2. Type of vendors and merchants
  3. Ideas for better engagement and networking opportunities
  4. Additional event activities 

Crowdsourcing approaches at each stage of the event lifecycle 

There are several ways event planners can crowdsource interesting event ideas. Implementing different strategies at different stages of the event lifecycle can be immensely helpful.  

  1. Pre-event  Days before an event, meeting, or conference, event planners can collect the views and interests of their attendees. Those who have already signed up for the event can give their inputs regarding what they expect or if they would like to experience. Organizers can send out emails or set up social media polls and ask for recommendations through gamification.  
  2. On-site  During the events, meetings, and conferences, event organizers can reach out to the attendees via session breaks. This quiet period can be utilized to ask for suggestions, ideas, recommendations, and scope of improvement. If any of the issues highlighted can be fixed during the event, that is well and good, else the feedback can be saved for future implementation.
  3. Post-event   Any post-event communication is primarily feedback-oriented. Methods mentioned for pre-event crowdsourcing such as sending out feedback emails or setting up social media polls can be implemented here as well. 

But what is most valuable is having a Community platform, where attendees can gather and in real-time, chat, connect and share experiences openly and transparently with your selected group. Using our Community platform is the most powerful way to Crowdsource data and improve event experiences. 

Benefits of crowdsourcing  

When a wider group of people work together it unlocks diversified thinking, improves ideation, and helps identify and solve problems quickly.  

  1. Brilliant solutions to complex problems – when a large pool of brains is involved to solve a problem, you might come across unique solutions.  
  2. Crowdsourcing can help in creating a marketing buzz. Since a large number of people are involved, it can prove to be an ‘engaging public spectacle’. Companies can also turn this into fun activities. For instance, Frito-Lay, the American snacking company, organized a competition ‘Do Us a Flavour’ where participants were asked to submit some ideas ranging from best to crappiest for a new potato chip flavor.  
  3. Crowdsourcing can be the key to hosting unique and engaging events that your potential attendees will absolutely love. All you need is to develop an appropriate strategy that aligns with your event goal.  

If you want to learn more about how to organize awesome in-person, virtual and hybrid events, book your demo now! 

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